This is Payce's final year for Tiger football then he moves up a league. They are playing this Saturday and if they win they will go on to play for 1st place out of all the teams from Holbrook, Winslow, Prescott, Tuba City, and Flagstaff. Payce played his best game of the season on Saturday. He believes it is all due to his new hair doo from Halloween. He is sporting the grandpa look. Yes actually shaved the top and sprayed the long hair gray. He looked great. So with that said he does not want to shave it because it is good luck. He also believes that he will just grow out the top and leave the bottom. New philosophy to me but in the Mortensen family hair doesn't grow that fast on the tops of their heads?? He is starting to play really well. He either plays quarterback, receiver, or blocker. He has 130 rushing yards this weekend. The weight limit for 8 year old players is 65. Most of the 8 years olds are on diets. Payce is pushing Oreos down to get to 45. He says he weighs 50 now but that's with full pads and a full head of hair. He probably set himself back a few pounds with the new "doo".
oh my gosh! you told me about the hair doo on the phone, but the picture is priceless! Tell Payce he's the cutest old man i've ever seen! and how he is full of such confidence to keep his hair doo even after halloween! i hope his team goes all the way!!! go #25!
oh my gosh! you told me of Payce's new "doo" over the phone, but the picture is priceless!! I like how full of confidence he is to continue to wear it even after halloween! I hope his team goes all the way!! Go #25! How 'bout those TIGERS!!!!
How cute he looks in his uniform. That would be so much fun to watch him play. I bet he's quite the quick little scrambler.
That boy is all Mortensen. He makes a good ole man. If he only knew that it will probably all come sooner than he wants. Ha. I use to dress up as a fat man and look at me now!!!!! Ha!!! Hope everything goes well for you in the hospital. Yes, that is an amazing doctor. Most doctors don't even act like they know your name, let alone buy a steer and bring in dinner. Our thoughts are with you. Jim
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