Thursday, November 6, 2008

On the thankful side of things....

This to me is so amazing it almost made me cry. So I have been thinking of what I am thankful for and it just came to me this morning on the phone. I don't mean I don't have much to be thankful for but some really significant things to go along with friends and family and the whole spill. I will be going in on Tuesday to stay in the hospital for possibly three days. The doctor called me to see when the hospital scheduled it for. I told him Tuesday and he then asked if it would be okay if him and his wife made my family dinner (pot roast) that night while I was away. I was speechless. He is such a good person and really care. They seem like we have known them forever but we just met in August and hardly know them. He really wants us to try the steer meat out that he bought from Taya. He offered us some while I was in for surgery but ackward timing. Now maybe you guys have doctors like this but I don't know of too many that even would make the time to do something like this. As much as I wish I wasn't going through all of this I am thankful for him and his care. I am glad we have gotten to know each other and will be seeing him a lot in the future to regulate the thyroid medicine but I thought that was just really neat and wanted to share it with you. If you ever have something wrong with your ear, nose, or throat..... give him a call!


Tamra said...

wow, how neat is that. i'm glad he's good to you because you deserve it. We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Hope it all goes well.

Shannon said...

Okay, 30 miles is way too far! I hadn't heard about your eventful last couple of months! I'm so glad everything is going well now. Glad you found my blog. I'm so terrible at keeping in touch. I'm going to do better though. We need to get together soon. Maybe lunch sometime you're in town or something. Take care!!!