Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thankful for dads

This is Taya's new steer. We bought a different one that was tamed and ready for her but while the owner was in the hospital for an emergency the steers missed a few meals and then when fed hers apparently ate too much, bloated, and passed away. So we went to look at more and Taya decided to go with this one. He, on the other hand, was not tamed.
After a good one hour or so rodeo with "Flash" and Troy and lots of lost blood, we managed to get him back into the trailer and home. It's a good thing my dad showed up when he did with his saddled horse to help drag him back from escaping Troy the almighty who wasn't going to let go of the thing at all costs. I had all the kids secured from it and Taya standing there with the most sickening look on her face ever.

So he got tied to a post for a few days. Apparently that is all it took because after two days she was leading it herself and doing very well. She put him in the shoot yesterday and brushed him and led him around. His name is Flash for a few reasons, Flashy looking, Flash Gordon the super hero - because he looks good, and Flash just in case any more of those rodeo's occur. I'm thankful for Troy to be helping with her because if it were up to me I would have loaded him and drove him straight back to where he came from and get a refund, if the thing wasn't dead before that!

I am so thankful for dads for this reason. I absolutely hate this type of play. And it's okay to say hate because it's true. I even don't watch usually because it wears me out and the end result is always Troy winning and most of the kids crying. It usually leads to an argument with me because the kid in Troy or the competitiveness in him won't even let the kids pretend to have beat him. It is always a crying ending but it must be real fun for them all while it's going on.

But you have to give them all credit. I remember when I was a kid and how much fun it was to run around our house in circles while my dad tried to pop us with his belt. Now that was fun times??? And we played it often. THank goodness for those double wides that you could run in a complete circle around that center wall that supported the TV on one side and the stove and kitchen on the other. You could make it in seconds thru the dining room to the kitchen thru the family room and land in the living room only to start the track all over again. Roller skates were the best.

This is a picture of Riley, Kai, and Syd on Riley's pony in Holbrook. Her dad takes so good care of her and she loves him you can tell. He loves her too. I'm sure it's because she thinks the world of him and his love for chickens and animals. They named their chickens as they hatched on the back porch. At church last week she couldn't quit talking about Ol' Trapper, her new puppy. She kept asking my girls if they wanted to come and see Ol' Trapper at her house. "He even can come in the house."


Tamra and Jim said...

What fun. I remember those days. When Jim got too old to do that, then they all would try to take Ryan down. The only one who could get the best of Ryan was Taralee. haha She's mellowed out in her old age now though. ;o) I hope this week goes good for you. Take care of yourself.

Liz said...

LOL okay Kodi I'm right there with you on the "Rough Housing". Teele still does it and it drives me nuts! Then when the kids got older it would result in a broken finger or nose with blood everywhere! Teele did it once the night before the BIG football game and the coach called CPS on him! Royal calls from school, "Ah Mom I think I just got dad in trouble! I tried to tell them my broken hand/thumb was an accident but..." Now that was fun trying to explain to the authorities! "No really mam it's fun they do it all the time!They were just playing. Yes mam my husband just reached out and bent the thumb all the way back until it snapped. Yes I tried to stop it I always do but they think its funny" I would always get mad, the kids would go off sulking, and Teele would puff out his chest and laugh because he WON! And then they would do it all over again! The absolute worst is the finger thumping to the chest! Teele finds it hilarious and I've decided Teele's fingers are deformed. Those bones on the end have got to be deformed to hurt so bad. But it's funny! And the double wide thing. Cracked me up because it's still true for us. I always say, "Teele stop now while all the kids are laughing! Then it's "SEE that was fun they are all crying their eyes out and hurt!" Now Royal goes at it with the neices and nephews but he stops before the tears...maybe because they are still little or maybe from lessons learned.

Traci said...

what can i say but my brother hasn't changed a bit! I still remember Troy not quiting until he had "WON"! And he was one of the kids!! I even think sometimes my Dad had to finally let him win a quarrel or two so it would stop!! He is Relentless!! He would be hurting and crying, but go right back in there until he got the upper hand on everyone!! You don't do Troy wrong and get away with it!! oh no! Even ten minutes later after it is suppposedly "over", if he felt he was done wrong......he'd get ya! Funny. I hated to watch it too, even as a kid. Cuz i was afraid of Troy!

Crystal Eldredge said...

This post has had me laughing all morning! Spencer did not grow up in a family where you tease until tears come. He thought we were absolutely barbaric when we would get into it! He has learned and thinks its funny as well! I thought things would get better when Roy and Doy got older. No it has only gotten worse because of my boys being added to the mix! I have learned over the years how to pinch and kick my heels into the back of their heads! I nearly died laughing about the running threw the trailer house! The snapping of the belt! I am glad to hear that I am not the only one that HATES this type of rough housing.I'll post some picks of a Thanksgiving we had a few years ago!

Crystal Eldredge said...

I hope your week is okay and that you have the help you need with your family. I am glad you have such a wonderful Dr. It helps when you know your Dr. is in tune with the Spirit.

girltrapped said...

I was always the one under Troy getting the brunt of it. It never ended good, me pissed, him red faced and sweating, then the name calling would come out! Fat little indian girl, skinny ethopian boy! Those were our favorites as everyone knows. Sunday's were always our favorite day to fight, now I understand why!? That Troy is one of a kind for sure! I can almost see the spit hanging from his mouth as he would pin me down and threaten to drop it!! Gross!! Anyway, he is great regardless, wouldn't trade him for anything!

Taralee said...

ha ha. I totally remember running around the ol' trailor. AND I remember when you guys got the "cooler" thing and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I also remember the bunk beds and the dressers that never seemed to shut right. good times.
Oh and good luck with that steer. My specialty was "lambs" so I don't have much advice to give. I do know that steers aren't supposed to eat bailing wire...ask ryan about that one.
Oh AND I have Troy's name for Christmas. PLEASE give me some sort of an idea. I'm pretty sure he won't want a remote control car...