So it is 3:30 am in the morning. I guess I am anxious to get to the hospital today and get this whole process over and done. I cannot take anything in there that I wish to keep because it all has to be thrown away in special trash. But let me remind you everything is still "Safe", ha! So there went my Christmas shopping venture on the internet, my three days of intense blog surfing, and anything else I was considering to do for 3 days. Oh well I am writing down my credit card number because apparently I have access to QVC. I am going to resort to doing something I hate, read a book. I finally am giving into reading "The blessed vampire" books. One anyways, the one that cost $6 and I can throw away. Hope I finish it there and am not left hanging. I am also going to try to read a paperback Doctrine and Covenants straight through. Not only will I be glowing with radioactive iodine but the spirit of God! I think I will do lots of exercising and moving around in there in my hospital gown to pass the time and sweat out the pill I don't need, ya right. Thank you to everyone who has helped us through this long process. It has been very much appreciated. Marie, Troy's mom, is staying with the kids today while there is no school, thank you Veterans, and then they will fly solo until Thursday. I am then scheduled to head to Farmington, New Mexico to begin my first classes on Footzonology but the schedule is looking pretty tight and Payce may end up playing his last game in the NAU dome on Friday night so may not make it to Farmington. Thank you to his coach for fighting for a game change from Sunday to either Friday night or Saturday. He knew Payce wasn't playing nor Troy coaching if it was this way so he is working with the Flagstaff board to get the change. I hope to be knowing soon on the outcome of the decision. So there is our story... see you fellow bloggers in a few days and hopefully no more 3:30 am blogging after this.
By The Way, the two kids did not have to sleep in bed rolls in pig pen thanks to the snow and some bargaining which we knew was coming. We got about 6 good hours of drawer cleaning out of it anyways, without fighting. I heard Payce tell Taya, it's kinda fun cleaning it out huh Taya? To find all this stuff.
Isn't parenthood the best? What a hilarious story. Kids are so cute and amazing. We will be thinking and praying for you Kodi. You are a special young lady and mother. We (I) have always admired and respected you. I'm amased at how your first two look like Troy and the next two are spitting images of you. You and Troy have a lovely family. I'm so proud of you and the decisions you have made that got you to where you are today. You're just an awesome person. Good luck and we'll talk to you when you get out. Jim
This is so funny. Kids are so predictibler, aren't they? It'll always happen to the other guy! Oh, I guess that's adults too, isn't it?
Take care and enjoy the snow, I'm jealous Easy to say from southern AZ !
funny, cuz a leg lamp is the ONLY thing that I want/need for Christmas. I think it would be perfect in my room. and hilarious
also, I love the glowing with radiation and the spirit of GOD. ahahahahahahahhaha
p.s. wish you were here for TG again. i'll eat plenty of pastries for you...and go to Wicked also.
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