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A sweet invitation
Okay so I got invited to the "elderly" community birthday party on Tuesday. It was the lady on the right below that was turning 89. I know a few of them from our ward but the rest I have never seen before. The lady on the left I visit teach and have for almost 8 years now. She is 94. My friend Cami said she was coming because often she comes along to help her grandma and it was her grandma's birthday.
So, as I go and pick up Anita, 94, we head to the restaurant. I pull in only to see all the other women being taxi'd in by who knows and then they walk in. Thier taxi drivers didn't stick around. One of the ladies had two other ladies in with her so she is still able to drive her and miss daisy around herself! So I am thinking what have I gotten myself into? We get into the restaurant and the fun begins!! They immediately start head counting and asking where so and so is and where so and so is and that goes on and on. Then they start their conversations. I am almost certain they were the same conversations from the last party they had. How old are you now Betty? When is your birthday Fay? It was hilarious. I had to break up a few arguments that I thought were going to turn hostile. So we get seated and then came the confusing part..... the menus. Who was going to read the menu for them all? Cha Ching - Wah Lah = ME! Try to explain cheese enchildas, a lunch special, and inflation to 11 women over 80... and not more than once..... good luck! I was the only one there under 75 besides the 45 year old handicapped friend of ours and her care taker. Let me say that I think it was a set up. Cami never showed. So as comical as it was we made it through. I ended up sitting between the birthday girl and the lady who makes the cake each time. I got in a little trouble. The birthday girl kept wanting a piece of the cake really bad so I started slipping her some icing off the side with her fork. She loved it! And just kept wanting more. So I was feeding the 94 year old and the birthday girl the icing and I got caught by the cake maker. Let's just say it was not a nice look I received from her. It may have changed the mood of the party but hey the hot sauce was too hot for them and they were getting hungry.
And yes I got a shot from underneath the table just to show the canes lined up and put in a safe place for dinner.!! So then there came the ordering. Wow... should have never told them there was a special but this is how it went. Well after explaining the special for a couple of times, a red and a green enchilada with beans and rice, the two I felt responsible for decided to "share". Oh no! They weren't sure what they were sharing but they felt like they couldn't eat all of the other stuff. Oh and by the way the 94 year old I brought said she was paying for mine or else she wasn't coming... to pay for the gas. So I felt obligated to order a bean and one piece of rice to save her money. Then there was the complaints for waiting for so long for the food and a few other arguments I kind of jumped into to try to quiet down. Then the arrival of the food.... oh no, again!! So they got one order wrong... that was not a good thing and I will leave that to your imagination. But my two... who decided to share, were my next task!! So I cut the enchiladas evenly in half and split the beans and rice and we are on our way but I see the 94 year old giving the 89 year old a big piece of hers and listen to the 89 year old say well it just looks like nothing is there!! It was so funny. When they took bites of things they would ask "What is this I am about to eat?" It was pretty funny. So after cutting cake for all of them and then taking a few of their tickets to the register to pay for them and trying to keep the change straight.... we made it through. It was enjoyable and I met a lot of people in the community and was glad I could help out. By the way... the enrichment night went well. I left a lot out that I wish I would have covered but time ran out and brain cells. There were a lot of women there. More than usual so that was good. If anything I learned more so hopefully some of them did. Thanks to all the coupon helpers I am sure you will hear from me in the future!
Been there done that, I only hope I have as much fun at that age.
p.s. you did a great job last night.
Oh Kodi, You are such a good sport! I do love reading your blog. You were such a neat kid, not so long ago and I'm not at all surprised at what you are doing at this stage of life. Keep it up girl, you'll keep lovng your life.
Have you checked out the Safely Gathered In blog? It is pretty fun. You may well know more than some of those gals do, but I find it is good for those just learning to use the staples in their cupboards since they seem fairly young themselves. It has saved me a lot of work that I had planned to put on mine. Course I need to get serious on mine don't I? I do have a lot to put on there just having too much fun snooping into other lives through blogs. I even have Jon looking over my shoulder from time to time. Pretty funny, he won't admit it.
Oh wow! You are a brave women! :)
Oh and I really hope that you were serious about the Michael Martin Murphy CD for Troy.
Hooray for the Christmas music. I can't believe it is time already!
Hi Kody,
I am glad to hear that Christy stopped by to see you guys. Is she remarried? We kept in touch for a while, but haven't for the last 6 mos. or so.
Ross is doing pretty good. He is still in Hawaii and has a little baby boy. I think he is happy. He talks about moving to southern Texas. Don't know when. I will tell him you guys asked about him. It is funny how small the world is, for you guys to know some of my in-laws!!
Dehydrating Potatoes sounded like fun!! Hopefully I will have enough from my garden this year to do some too. Let me know which ones turn out the best!! Say hi to Troy for me! Love ya all!!
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