Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Hobby For ME

Okay I am starting a new hobby now that I have gotten into this enrichment night of balancing budget and year supply stuff. Thanks to all of you for your ideas. I wish you could come on Thursday night but maybe I can send you the packet if you would like.
So here is what happened while trying to do my homework and with the use of Trachel's blog site! I started coupon shopping! Crazy stuff. Makes me feel like I have been getting ripped off my whole life and I am obviously have been but hopefully it won't take too much time out of my life to start this.
So I went to Walgreens, just because I had all the kids and not a lot of time and wanted to experiment. I came prepared with my coupons... manufacturers and in store coupons and Trachel at home, on line, to answer questions!!
This is what I bought in one purchase..... 4 boxes of Kellogg cereal( $3), 2 full size bottles of lotion ($4.50), 2 full size bottles of honey ($8), 1 peanut butter ($3), 2 big bottles jelly ($2.50?) parenthesis are approximate actual costs. So it should have been somewhere around $45. I paid $18. Can you say CRAZY?
Here is what I did... had a manufacturer coupon for $1 off the cereal so I had 4 coupons. The store had a coupon for 4/$10 and if you bought all 4 you got a $2 coupon to be used on anything at Walgreens at next visit (this is important for later transaction). So I ended up paying $6 for all the cereal but really $4 because I got the $2 coupon but I used that for a different transaction. So then the store had coupons for lotion buy one get one free and it was good lotion, honey coupon was $3 coupon so I bought what they had left, jelly and peanut butter was 3/$5. There was probably a manufacturer coupon out there for these but I didn't have time to look. So anyways then I had the coupon from Walgreens to spend $20 and get $5 off! So I needed to get to the $20 and did so. So add this all up it came to nearly $45 and I saved like $26.
THen..... they had Progresso soup, normally $3.19 a can. I used a manufacturer coupon of $2 off 4 cans, the store coupon buy 4/$5. So with my coupons I paid $5 - $2 = $3. So now I am down to paying $3 for the 4 cans so 4 for the price of one. But.... hold on..... I have this $2 in store Walgreens money from previous purchase so I use it and Wa-Lah!! I hand the lady a dollar and am on my way with 4 cans of rich delicious upper class Progresso soup all for the whopping price of twenty five cents a can!! Addicted to coupons!! $5-$2-$2 = $1!! So I saved $11.80 on that. So I bought like close to $60 of groceries for $19. Now just to find what activities i can cut out to start being a coupon shopper. It is going to be fun at enrichment sharing my shopping trip homework with them. Oh ya, I did all this while still being radioative... I will have to blog that later with the pictures of my room all taped up and the whole experience.
And by the way.... I miss our little Kai. She is at my moms until I am less radioactive. It is in her best interest and I am sure she had a great time but we are starting to really miss her.


girltrapped said...

We prayed for Kai last night in our family prayers, to help her not miss you too bad until she can be with you again. We know how much she loves you! Tonight we will pray for you to make it until you can see her again! We love ya! I've got some deals to tell you about!

Kellogg Krew said...

I hope you are united with all your kiddos soon. You guys are lucky to be able to get such great coupon deals. I don't have great ones here, but am on the look out. You are amazing, hang in there!!!

Traci said...

I'm going to have to get in on this coupon thing. I LOVE a good bargain!! I love to be frugal! Your last paragraph of your post made me tear up. I hope you're reunited soon!!!

Liz said...

Hi Kodi. I'm so happy you are coupon shopping! It's well worth the time and FUN! I have been going to post about my coupon shopping for some time but decided to do it after I read your post. I wanted to share my coupon method with you.
So glad your home. Keeping you in our prayers!

Sharron said...

Good grief girl, good job!I guess I need to go and get one-on-one lessons from Liz. I just don't seem to find very many coupons to use.

Hope the rediation goes down fast for you. Will there be any more treatments? you'll be in our prayers.

Taralee said...

whoa, whoa, whoa. all that math is a little much for the Show Low girl!
That is awesome though. I've alwasy wanted to get into that...but I need a buddy to do it with me and teach me how. I'm sure once you get the hang of it it isnt' that confusing!