Well we are certainly enjoying the journey. I am now free and clear from thyroid cancer as well as a thyroid! It was a long hard summer with hard decisions to make but I am very satisfied with the results and am glad to get back to living. It all started out with this weight loss program I started in June. I was working out a lot and one day had a small TIA (transient ischemic attack or symptoms of a stroke) or a migraine still no one knows. So this led me from the ER room to a cardiologist who noticed my thyroid was large as I was leaving his office, to the urgent care and then through enough x-rays and scans to cause more cancer and blood work until my arm fell off but it all came down to papillary thyroid cancer. So of course you may think you know what it would like to be told you have cancer but until you do, you don't! I am so thankful it was this and not somewhere else because it is 99 to 100 percent cureable. I thought I would try some natural remedies. I still believe they would have worked but I wasn't patient enough with them and I am glad it's just over and done and I don't always have to wonder my whole life. I got really sick from the natural herbs I was trying and was introduced to the "organic coffee enema" to make me get better. Anyways long story but on Thursday I had the surgery and there was no doubt I was taking it out. A decision I struggled with for a month with a lot of fasting and prayer and I didn't mind the weight loss that came with the stress. The surgery went perfect and quick. The incision is just pieced back together not stitched or glued because the doctor says it's the best way for less scarring. The tape stays on for over a week and I can't move my head around too much. I got to come home a day early from the hospital, something the doctor says he has never done before but it all went so good. He is a very good doctor and a really nice person. So now the journey includes me sitting around for three or four weeks with no thyroid supplement until I go back to the hospital for two or three days to take a radioactive iodine pill that will kill off any thyroid cells left behind. Doctor swears it's safe but I am quarantined there, sounds strange to me!! Then I will finally get the thyroid pill and be on the road to finding the right dosage of thyroid supplement. THANKS to everyone for your prayers and thoughts for our behalf, they were truly appreciated and needed. Thank you. And in case I run into any of you in the next few weeks and I say something out of line it is because the doctor says I wil have major mood swings, weight gain, and may not even want to get out of bed. I don't mean anything I say!!!
your neck looks really good, told you it wasn't so bad. call if you need anything and stay away from generic synthroid.
Kodi, you are a trooper!! Seriously, a trooper, and I am so happy things turned out good. What can I do to help you out? Wish I lived nexted door so I could bring you the most awesome dinners I prepare each and every night!!! Or at least some cold cereal and canned corn. Anyway, take it easy, and use this homornally whacked out time in your life to tell of anyone you have wanted to, scream, yell whatever, cause guess what, you can blame it on your missing thyroid! Love ya. Trachel
I am patenting shirts that say "it's my thyroid" everyone blames there moods on their thyroid! We are doing fine. Troy's mom, Marie, made us a weeks worth of meals and my mom took Kai home for a while. Everyone should get their thyroid out!! I just sit around reading my Footzoning books, checking the internet, and watching movies. Feeling really good and actually pushed play on the dishwasher this morning and turned the knobs on the washer machine. Also checked the daily mouse trap and am considering doing my hair today for doctor's appointment!! You can help by sending Buck to find that deer Troy hasn't been able to even think about finding. By the way.. Kai says where's Ollie's (Ali's) dad name Butt. It is so cute.
Uncle "butt", that is cute. Kodi, glad you are doing so well. It was good to talk to you yesterday on the phone......a little rude and grumpy, but good. Just kidding!! Had to mess with you. You sounded alot better than what I was thinking you would just days after. Who knows, maybe you won't need any meds?? Anyway, you just keep on enjoying your recover time. Milk it for all its worth!!
"Mood swings, weight gain, not wanting to get out of bed."
You just described the last 25 years of my life.
We're saying a few extra prayers for good measure.
Uncle Tom
You should check your THS levels Tom, 25% of Americans have thyroid cancer and don't know it but die of something else like old age, FYI. I am learning all kinds of new medical terms and think I am smart now, HA! THanks for thinking of us!
We have been saying prayers for you and your family. Spencer's sister Cindy went threw this a couple of months ago. Her story is different from yours but, I know how scared and worried she was. I am so happy to hear you are doing better. Hang in there. I laughed at frozen onions! I love living in the valley! Your family is so adorable! Here is a blog you might be interested in. I thought of you because all of your girls have such beautiful hair.
Kodi, we are glad you are doing well. Sounds like you're on the right road to recovery and staying positive. I'm sure it was a scary thing to go through but I'm glad the surgery part is behind you now. Jim's decided I might have thyroid problems with the mood swings and weight gain, etc. I told him he is not one bit funny. ;o)
Hi Kodi--I just found you through the Queen Creek Reidheads. I'm glad your surgery went well and are recovering. Take care of yourself and take the time you need. Where are you living anyway, frozen ground? I'm jealous!If yo don't remember me, I'm Mariah's mom.
Hi Kodi! So glad everything went well we will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers. You are right the cure rate it very high. Jessica's high school friend, Diane, had the same thing 2 years ago and my dad just last year and both are doing very well. Your children are adorable and getting so big! Take care and get lots of rest! Love you,
Hi Kodi,
It is Katie, Braden's wife. I really don't know I how happened up your blog, but somehow I did. Wow!! Sounds like you have had quite the summer! Not very fun, I am sure. I am glad to hear that everything went well with your surgery. I hope that you are feeling well and things continue to go good for you. YOu have such a cute little family. I love your family pictures. They turned out really good. I am going to add you to my blog list. You can check out our blog at bkbhawkinsfamily.blogspot.com Talk to ya later.
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