Okay what we've been waiting for. Troy saw the pictures his sister Trachel drug out and posted so he immediately went to his treasure box to find his to see if he could top her pictures she posted. I am thinking this is a Hobo and he had a napsack. Apparently in Animas New Mexico they didn't have a lot of costume shops and so proceeded to make their own up. I think they didn't get TV reception there and didn't know of the "modern" characters but maybe Holbrook didn't get the reception either because I have some interesting costumes myself. And apparently they dressed up often because one of the pictures was taken in May at a cub scout meeting. I love the pumpkin next to him with the potato ears and red fluffy nose. By the way it won the "Funniest Pumpkin" award.

And oh boy this is Troy being a skeleton. I am not sure if his cheeks were that way always or if the milk carton on his head was just way too tight? By the way there was no note on the back saying this pumpkin won a contest.

And now for the drum roll please....... no it is not a masking tape contest..... he is an astronaut. The back of the picture says 5-31-84 (proof that they did this often), and Troy's space costume. And also might I add that it was "The Most Far Out Costume". Fun times and more to come just waiting for Marie to dig up some more years for us!!
Okay so I don't laugh out loud at much, but those pictures of Troy are too funny. And your right Troy's cheeks must have been pushed together because he was never that chubby! I thougth it might have been me for a minute! Thanks for the laugh!
Troy says duct tape must have been cheaper back then than it is now a days! And when he was reading this blog he started defending his pumkin saying hey I won an award for that pumpkin. I said alright already I wrote about it later down here don't worry I am posting your accomplishments. He is wondering if the skeleton is Traci now that Trachel mentions it.....
He is thinking the alien hat is an ice cream container with an air hockey puck handle on top.
hello! this is traci,the other sister, the NOT skeleton cheek person!!!! NIce try though. Cute pictures Troy...air hockey puck head person. too cute! Cuter than any store bought costume anyday. i love the scare crow kid the best i think.with your potato head pumpkin. I guess i'll have to go through my collection after church today and see what little scary pics i can find of halloween at cotton city past.Ha!
ok guys, you are all too funny! The contest is on.... who can find the funniest cotton city picture!!!
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