Just scrolling thru my pictures and decided to post a few of these because they are cute. I have been reading everyone's blogs and getting ideas and trying to not feel sick to my stomach so I thought what better to pass the time by with another blog! This is Sydnee and Shea at Traci's house in Aztec, NM. Sorry Traci I couldn't crop the suburban out. The other picture is of the baby miniature pony that our little one had. It was born on July 26th in the morning. You can see how small it is compared to two year old Kai. Our friends down the road are going to buy it for A LOT of money and so they have named it Flap Jack (don't know the story behind that....I put A LOT just to see if they pick up on it while stocking my blog). The kids have fun with it though. The barbie jeep picture is just the girls out on a Sunday evening stroll. This Barbie Jeep has entertained them a lot. Only cost $25 at a yard sale, it's one good babysitter. Kai knows that Syd is the driver and just sits on the passenger side ready to go all the time. If Payce decides to go with them her seat then becomes the hood. Payce had a football game this weekend. They ended up losing 12-0 but it was a tough team. I will get some good pictures sometime and post them. Well at least I can say I "journaled" for an hour on Sunday after posting this, let's keep it holy now!!
Hey,I thought that ole suburban is what MADE that picture! Ha! Cute pics.
well we've made a million times too but tammy was going by memory on the recipe and it was foam. It never stopped foaming and it never settled. Even when we were done eating it was still foam. Lets face it-Tammy's memory ain't as good as it once was. Still tasted good tho.
and they wonder why he gets along with kids so well....same mentality. haha jk
does troy have a cousin or sister named crystal mortensen?
Not that I know of but there are a lot of them. Is it spelled with an sen?
Big shout out to Kristen she fixed my blog where you can still here the music while typing messages. I'll probably be leaving a lot more comments now.
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