So now that I sit here and try to figure out how to "blog" my little friend Kai has to do the same. She is real impatient with her computer but it is coming right along. If only the computer would answer her more often so she wouldn't interrupt my http:// trail train of thought!! Notice the chair she has to sit in. It is a small metal decorative chair. You can see just how small it is because I put the peach in for comparison. If you need another visual look at me fitting into the childrens disneyland ride in Traci's disneyland blog (not so slim)!! Anyways, I will get Kai busy on her next blog. And yes by the way the both of us usually look like that with the hair style and pajamas until I finally get off the computer.
Cute family pictures, and Kai, well she is just too cute. I love her hair, even if it is messy. She has tons of it. And yes I am sure having the doc tell you you have cancer, would definetly change your perspective of things!!! How is your stuff going?
Kodi! I love your blog! I can't believe how big all your kids are getting! They are all so adorable. And I'm totally impressed with Taya showing the steer. I would be scared to death.
There were some pretty scary moments but very rewarding experience.
Kai looks like she should have a cigarette hanging out of her mouth and a cup of coffee in one hand.
She did have those things but I made her remove them for the picture.... public image!
Kodi, you are hilarious! Your blog is so cute and your kids are the cutest. That Kai is a little cutie!
Oh man...that little chair is cracking me up! And the image of one of my dear Aunts trying to fit into the "peter pan" kid ride at Disneyland. (not going to name names) At the age of 10 it wasn't AS funny, but looking back I sure wish my mom and dad would have had a camcorder!
Oh and by the way- I'm glad you have a blog. I really like you background. It's looks "purdy" (off of Pure Country).
It wasn't an aunt at Disneyland it was me. What an image! Sydnee couldn't wait for me to get off the ride so it could start. Kristen said she can tell I am a beginner checking in on everyones blog and commenting way too much!! It's called all the kids are at school and I am on the computer so I don't have to clean.
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