Syd decided one day she would finally pierce her ears. She had been wearing these fake clip-ons for a few days and crying every time she lost one. A girl in her class that wears boots, and that's important, has hers pierced so she thinks she could do it. So I took her and she did the piercing and was fine. No tears or anything and she is so happy about them. Well when she jumps out of the chair Kai crawls right up and says "Me, Peenk". So that means she wants pink ones. So I am thinking no way because I like them to appreciate them so they can take care of them so I don't have to, selfish. So I am thinking well if I do it now I won't have to come back someday and I might as well. Besides Sydnee raises her anyways so she will take care of them. So she gets all ready. Picks out some Peenk ones and on her way. The first gun goes off and she immediately is crying. So I am thinking oh well she will be walking around with one earring because no way will she go through with the next one. But she sat there for the second and cried all over again with the second. When you ask her if she got Peenk earrings she says no Peenk Owies!!