So this is the last thing that happened to us before we decided to leave for the weekend but this is where the picture popped up and I am not going to try to move it to the bottom! Kai fell in this fire. Thank my lucky stars I was standing right next to her and grabbed her out after saying a few choice words very loudly. I believe I wasn't the only one who screamed out but as long as she was safe who cares what the bishops wife said. Thank goodness her hair was wet after a shower because it still singed it. I wiped off flames from her clothes and flung her shoes into who knows where because there were coals in the bottoms of them. The look on her face just flashes back to me she was so stiff and scared. Fortunately the only thing that burned was her hand where she grabbed the metal fire ring to try to get out and a little bit of hair singed. Her and her cousin were fighting over her $1 bill she had found in an easter egg. She was crying, my money, my money. Well her money is now an ash in Roosevelt camp ground but that's ok.
And here is Troy and Kai on a boat ride. We did take the jet skis out this day but it was raining and so cold. We didn't get wet but still the only ones on the lake on jet skis in pants and coats. Kai just catching some sleep.
Here are the kids imagining they are tubing. Thank goodness for their imaginations! They got a lot of other things done like playing ball and hiding and coloring eggs and watching the only DVD we had there over and over while it was raining. And then there was the best thing of all..... our nice little Megacab met Mrs. Elk on the way to the lake. Troy decided to go to Roosevelt through Camp Verde instead of Lake Mary because he thought there would be "less elk". Well these two happened to be "NOT AT LAKE MARY." Fortunately no one was hurt, not even the BEAUTIFUL elk. It hopped up and ran off once we got to a stop. The kids slept right through it and we got out, looked at the damage, and drove on. Just typical of the things that have been "intorduced" into our lives lately but who has time to blog about them. Let's hope the insurance comes through but who's crossing their fingers. Only the bumper is twisted, hood smashed, grill broke, and side needs replaced.
And this story is flat for real no lie a true story..... the first night there we got there around 11:30 and got to sleep around 1 or so. About 2:00 am someone comes into my brothers camper and gets in bed with his little 3 year old boy. He was thinking it was my younger brother but figured there was no way he would be wrapped up cuddling with his son so he gets up to see what's going on. He shines the flashlight and sees this guy laying there. Then he rips off the covers and tries to figure out what is going on. After a few minutes of arguing with this "stranger" he calms down and starts talking to the guy. The guy was out of it. The little boy said, "dad what's happening?" It was then that this guy realizes he is sleep walking and kind of wakes up and leaves. It was pretty crazy. The next morning we figure out who the guy was and remember the what we had saw him smoking that night. Sleep walking or drug halucination, you be the judge, but it was crazy. We locked our campers from there out.
Darn it! I knew we should have gone to the lake with you guys! We always miss out on all the excitement! I could have hit an elk, caught fire, a cold, AND slept with a stranger.....all in one weekend!
Once again - thankful for my boring life!! I'm sorry to hear that Riley isn't the only fire bug in our family. We've managed to keep him out of the fire pit, but he's had many burns from griddles, wood stoves, hot glueguns etc.!!
Glad to hear she's watched over!! And I'm sure no one will hold it against the bishop's wife!!
Welcome back, you were missed.
p.s. choice words are allowed when your kids/family/friends/pets are involved
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