Well I could post about some other things we did like went to Lake Powell to camp and the wind blew nearly everything into the lake and the things that didn't go into the lake such as the tent and the awning got broken into pieces and thrown away. Or there was the other time we went to Lake Powell and spent 4 hours trying to get the boat to start in the rain. It wasn't until Taylor, a friend of Taya's, yelled out a prayer and said "God fix this boat." The boat started 5 minutes later and we were on our way. Or there was the time, oh well I think I'll save some for later. My kids are going to appreciate normal someday!! At least they are good troopers and for sure they have seen a lot. And now they are back in school and they just love it or is that me who just loves it? And I might blog again before fall or winter comes but I might not!