I am being of accused of a blog slacker by a few "choice" people so i thought i would try to do some updates to show why i have not found the time to blog! We had quite a busy month of December and seemed like we accomplished, not much! This picture above is kai just getting the swing of unwrapping presents! She would run and hide and try to open them when she knew they were for her. The other picture is Taya with her wonderful gifts Payce got her. They each were given $10-$15 to buy the siblings name they drew. All the other kids bought pretty nice little gifts. Payce on the other hand decided to go a different route. He bought Taya as many $.88 cent items he could with his money. She was afraid of his present but turned out they had more fun with that stuff than anything. She got silly putty, slinky, noise goow, and of all things... fake bloody teeth. They had a ball with them.
These are the pajamas I made for the kids, sorry the pictures are dark...I haven't got to that part in the instructions of taking pictures good with my phone. We had a pre-Christmas the night before we left for Holbrook and the kids got to open these pajamas and the presents that they bought each other in a name drawing.
Don't remember which day this was but there should have been a lot more moments like this for this little girl but she is a trooper and doesn't skip a beat on too many things. The bad part is that she hasn't learned how to sleep in yet so each long night and early mornings made it harder on us.
Here is Syndee unwrapping her present. She just knew it was the gift she peaked in on but had a hard time coming to terms that Kai got that present and she got something else. She got enough dog and horse toys to last her until her birthday in March I hope.
Here are the boys admiring Troy's Christmas present. It was a custom made 338 gun. It was quite a suprise to Troy and fun trying to get that thing made without having a clue about guns and the hole lingo! With the help of our home teacher a.k.a. the gun-maker, it got put together and turned out really nice. He does a really good job with guns.
Here is what I got a picture of at Christmas time. It was a spur of the moment flyer Troy happened to walk by and pick up. I am supposed to go order some but think I will wait for the new ones coming out with square doors, supposively holds more and that's what I am all about..... less loads and more time for me. What will I buy that can fold them now??
Just one of those late night card playing nights with family. I didn't get much playing in because I was usually zoning someone's feet or just flat out tired and lazy.
Here is Kelton and Troy having a great time at the card/dinner table. He is a cute kid. We went to my brother and sister-in-laws temple sealing this weekend. It was really nice. Kelton and Rylie got sealed to them.
At some point during this season, month of December, we went to the NFR in Las Vegas. Troy and I went along with my brothers and their wives and my parents. We had a fun time. This is just a shot of Tracy trying out an outdoor swing at one of the cowboy trade shows. We left her their while we shopped. We went to the rodeo two nights and walked, shopped, and ate a lot. We watched a little team roping also. We also spent three days at Kristens trying to help with re-modeling her house. I loved cleaning, primering, texturing, re-primering, sanding, and all of the fun stuff. Not really but it was fun and the kids had fun. It was nice to be in that weather down there. We probably would have finished if we would have worked more than a half hour at a time before shopping breaks or just plain breaks.
And did I mention the deal of the day I got. Well not only did I get $46 worth of groceries for $2.50 at Walgreens but I went to Kohls to spend my $110 gift certificates given to me for buying presents for Christmas...... so I go to buy this silverware set, a nice one, and two baking pans. Well it was going to total around $115 so I put it up there and she rings it up and says $43. I was floored and paid and then me and Troy were like what went wrong and afraid to say anything for fear it was a mistake. I wanted to buy more but thought no way they will probably notice it and there goes the great deal. So then I was able to buy some more stuff with the balance. So wondering why it actually happened.....my neighbor went to Kohls to try the same deal and lo and behold the same thing for her. It was an $80 set for $7.99. I told her to buy all they had but that was the last one. You all should run to Kohl's and see what you can do. It was a 53 piece set, I think, and brand was Cambridge.... flat out crazy, they must have barcoded it wrong from the factory or something. What's even more crazy is that I have now updated my silverware collection from the salvation army used store...if any one is interested!! You won't even come close to the Kohls deal but at least I'll be getting rid of my old collection.