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A lot can happen in a few weeks but here is the best I can do for now...... We went to the Grand Canyon for Taya's basketball games. I am the assistant coach and she is a fifth grader on a sixth and seventh grade team (something about small schools).
Some where happier than others to be there!!
We went to Thanksgiving in Aztec, NM where Troy's sister Traci lives. The kids had a blast playing with cousins and enjoying the days off. They played moon sand, play-do, made gingerbread houses, wrapped and unwrapped presents, watched movies, and everything else cousins do when they get together. We managed to get a lot of shopping in. We were about the 180th person in line at Sears at 5 am in the morning!! We should have gotten an earlier start I guess. But we managed to get some coupon shopping in on Black Friday as well and that's what counts!! Not sure why they did the belly thing but Sydnee's usually tops off everyones... she just wasn't in the right position!
Sydnee's happiest day ever! Finally gets to ride horses. The weather has been so nice lately they were able to ride for awhile this Saturday, December 6th.
Then in the evening we went to the parade of lights in Williams. It was short and sweet and very festive. We then went to Pine Country restaurant for pie and hot chocolate which turned into biscuits and gravy, hot chocolate, a few pies, and lots of fighting and crying. Reminded us once again why we are only taking Kai with us to the NFR this week.
And then to top it all off we put up the tree and decorations all in the same day/night. I am glad to get it done but can there be that much fighting in putting up a tree, a train, and a few decorations? Yes. I pretty much stayed out of it as much as I could and we let the kids do most of it. At least it will be up three weeks before my moms and go down and away at least a month or two before hers!!
Payce played in the NAU dome on Friday night, I believe it was the 21st. They were supposed to play on Sunday but luckily his coach was able to rearrange it to Friday night. It was exciting and seemed overwhelming to play in there but a good experience for the kids! Football season is over now. Payce will have to move up leagues but is leary of that because he still only weighs 55 pounds, just 20 pounds or so shy of everyone else his age.
Here is Sydnee leading the music at FHE. She loves this part and is so funny to watch do it.
And let me not forget my experience at the hospital! Yes everything was taped up with plastic and it was supposed to stay that way the whole 3 days. Try going to the bathroom like 50 times a day and making everything go through the little hole cut out in the plastic bags!! I drank a case of water the first day to get everything out of me quicker. Then there were the soap dispensers and faucets and door handles covered in blue rubber gloves, classy!
And the path I was supposed to stay on from the bathroom to the bed. I took pictures before I went in and then Troy took the phone out so I didn't have to throw it away on my way out of there. I managed to read Twilight and some of the D&C. I need to watch the movie now and wish there was one to watch on the D&C.
And there you have it..... the new bishop of the Williams Ward. Yes in fact they did call Troy to be the bishop the Sunday before I went into the hospital. And I thought thyroid cancer was a lot to take on this year! So on the 23rd of November he was called and put it. Should I have a five year count down thing going on my blog to show how many more years I get to sit with just me and the kids at church!! This will be ten years now, five years as a counselor and possibly five or more as a bishop... Wow. It has certainly started to change our lifestyles.
And that will be my posting for awhile because I have been able to sleep more lately so I don't get up quite so early with nothing to do. As well as I have a tax class in Phoenix all day Monday, going to the Rodeo in Vegas Tuesday thru Thursday, Taya's basketball tournament on Friday, Youth temple trip on Saturday, Primary program on Sunday, Zoning classes Monday thru Wednesday and who knows I am sure something will come up next Thursday!! Maybe I will finish the Christams sewing projects I have going on or maybe the shopping I need to do or maybe spend 20 hours trying to coupon shop!!